Well, as many of you know, the Democrats have been saying that anyone who disagrees with Pres. Obama and his vision of universal healthcare have been tagged as un-American and a bunch of Nazis. Wow! Isn't this the same group who believed dissenting against the policies of George W. Bush wasn't only a right, but an obligation? Isn't it interesting how you don't see the likes of Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon fighting for freedom of speech of those showing up at town meetings, and attending Tea Parties?
I guess free speech only is a right afforded to those who make a habit of bashing what makes America great. If you protest a crucifix submerged in urine, you are accused of censorship, and noarrow-minded bigotry. If you protest for the saving of innocent human life at an abortion clinic, you are villified as being uncompassionate towards women. However, if you protest the passage of a constitutional amendment banning homosexual marriage, like Prop 8 in California, then you are be socially minded. If you picket for the founder of a deadly gang who was sentenced to death, like Tookie Williams, then you are showing compassion to the underprivileged.
Something is very wrong. To paraphrase Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we have made good evil. and evil good. We see abnormal behavior as exemplary, and traditional, biblical values as oppressive. It's time, folks. It's time to stand up up and proclaim truth as unchanging, not fluid. It's time to promote biblical standards for life, family, and government. It's time that we stop bowing to political parties, and proclaim that it is the governed, and not the government, who make this nation great.
A mindless mob? Sorry, but that is just not the case. We are not a mindless mob. We are a determined bloc of Americans, exercising our First Amendment Freedom of Speech.
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